Let me tell you a story.

Let me tell you a story.

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Milk and Blood

It takes a village to raise a child. But we don’t live in villages anymore.

It’s 3 a.m. and new mom, Evelyn, finds herself looking more like Medusa than human these days as she attempts to put her baby down to sleep for the seventh time. So what does she do when her little bundle of joy actually gives into slumber for a few precious minutes? She writes a sleep training guide on no sleep.

With her husband by her side, Evelyn quickly learns that it takes a village to raise a child. And with no village in sight, she finds the next best thing: writing for the next woman who will need a village but won’t have one. This story features dozens of raw, unfiltered missives from the front lines of motherhood, covering breastfeeding battles, postpartum anxiety, sleep deprivation, and navigating relationships that will never be the same.

Milk and Blood is a visceral take on becoming a parent that’s broken down in the form of personal essays, a postpartum checklist, a one act play, FAQs, and more. Jade Kim Monsen’s non-traditional telling of the ups and downs of parenthood belongs on every expecting or new parent’s reading list.

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Jade Kim Writes

This blog is sent out weekly in the form of a newsletter and is free to subscribe. You can expect posts that read like journal entries, poetry, personal essay, and short stories that cover topics that range from parenting, relationships, writing, publishing, and more.

This will also be the first place I share my book launches. So be sure to sign up to be the first to know when a book is about to drop!